The Digital World app revolutionizes your shopping experience by offering an array of exclusive perks and real-time point-tracking functionalities. Shoppers have the opportunity to earn points on every purchase. These points can be readily checked to redeem vouchers that offer even more value. Convenience is further enhanced by the voucher redemption feature, empowering users to utilize e-member points seamlessly at any store.
Precise store locations and directions are provided within the platform, ensuring customers can find their way to the nearest retail outlet without hassle. Moreover, the transaction feature allows for immediate viewing of point collection and redemption transactions, keeping customers updated with their spending and savings.
Stay informed about the latest promotions and events with timely notifications, ensuring no beneficial deal is missed out on. The E-member card application process is straightforward, encouraging participation and access to these tailored and convenient shopping benefits. Enhance every visit to a Digital World store with a bespoke, rewarding shopping journey using this application.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
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